We are offical SimSpace partner.
SimSpace offers the world’s most high-fidelity, sophisticated, complete, and realistic commercial cyber range as a service, RangeWise.
It is a hybrid solution enabling organizations to quantifiably measure risk and help maximize its state of readiness — all within one open platform.
The SimSpace Cyber Risk Management Platform
Powered by the world's most advanced commercial cyber range, SimSpace provides everything you need to keep your security team, processes and technology working at peak performance. Rapidly stand up environments that are secure, scalable and customizable—within virtual, physical or blended deployments.
Custom environments
Build customizable, secure and detailed cyber range environments to test tools, processes, staff, Zero Trust controls, cloud infrastructure readiness or provide evidence for compliance.
Experience "real" attacks
Simulate automated attack scenarios and other realistic cyber events in a safe, isolated cyber range. Sharpen individual and team performance.