We supported Zručský bigbítový (z)dunění
For the third time in a row, we have supported the summer music festival Zručský bigbitový (z)dunění, this year in the position of main partner.It is an all-day festival that took place under the open sky in Zruč nad Sázavou on August 17, 2024 in the beautiful surroundings of Zručský dvor. The program alternated with bands and singers of famous names, such as the Prague selection with Michael Kocáb and Michal Pavlíček, Kamil Sřihavka with the band, Laura and her tigers, Doctor Victor and many others. This year's festival was visited by a record number of spectators, which according to the organizers exceeded one thousand.
Articles about the festival were published in Kutnohorské denik: https://kutnohorsky.denik.cz/ctenar-reporter/zruc-nad-sazavou-hudebni-festival-zrucsky-dvur-bigbitovy-zduneni-20240817.html
We also received positive feedback from our customers and partners who accepted our invitation to the festival. More about the festival here: https://www.zrucsky-bigbitovy-zduneni.cz/